Welcome to the NEM cluster Wiki! This page is still under construction.
Overview of equipment within the NEM cluster
All research groups in the cluster have various pieces of equipment. In the pages below, you'll find an overview of this equipment, sorted by different criteria. The pages presented in this overview are meant to show what the system is capable of (very briefly) and who to consult for further information about the system. Please be aware that the fact that equipment is shown on this Wiki does not per se mean that every material/sample can be put into the system. Always first consult with the system owner (and/or corresponding PI) about your plans and wait for approval before you (let the main user or yourself) operate the sytem!
Do you want to contribute to this page?
We'd be happy to get input from many researchers among the cluster to add all instruments and relevant details in this Wiki. Please use the Short guide page to get started.